Productivity Tips for Work from Home

Work from Home has been popularized in recent covid times. We hear people so often say — “I work from home”. While many people enjoy it, some believe it has created havoc in their lives.

Aliasgar Merchant
5 min readDec 7, 2021

Working from home is now a part of life and inevitable. Thus, I have compiled a list of productivity tips and hacks that will help you make the most of work from home.

1. Take regular breaks

This is critical. We are humans and we tend to not take enough breaks if they are not forced upon us. People normally tend to lose track of time when they sit in front of their computers. This is dangerous as your eyes might get tired or you may develop back problems due to long hours of sitting in one place. A break could provide you with some fresh air, a chance to stretch yourself, avoid neck aches, etc… My Recommendation — Stretching/Muscle exercises 5 mins work 2 mins rest — 10 minutes every hour would be sufficient

2. Set a time to check emails

Another critical factor is to set a time frame for checking your emails and messages at regular intervals. This will help you focus on the task at hand rather than worrying about new emails coming into your…



Aliasgar Merchant

Novice astrophysicist in Cosmos. Building the next revolution of applications. I write about Blockchain related concepts.